Sunday, May 19, 2013

OpenInFileBrowser Code

I realized there's a debacle right now in the Unity Wiki Website over its content being under the Creative Commons License.

So to make sure there's no legal problems with using this code, here's a re-upload of my OpenFileInBrowser code for Unity here in my blog.

As always, I put this code in Public Domain as it's quite simple but good enough to be shared.

public static class OpenInFileBrowser
   public static bool IsInMacOS
         return SystemInfo.operatingSystem.IndexOf("Mac OS") != -1;
   public static bool IsInWinOS
         return SystemInfo.operatingSystem.IndexOf("Windows") != -1;
   [MenuItem("Window/Test OpenInFileBrowser")]
   public static void Test()
      //string path = "/Users/Ferds/Unity Projects/BuildReportTool/BuildReportUnityProject/Assets/BuildReportDebug";
      //string path = "/Users/Ferds/Unity Projects/BuildReportTool/BuildReportUnityProject/Assets/BuildReportDebug/EditorMorel.log.txt";
      //string path = "/Users/Ferds/UnityBuildReports/";
      string path = "/Users/Ferds/UnityBuildReports/test4.xml";
   public static void OpenInMac(string path)
      bool openInsidesOfFolder = false;
      // try mac
      string macPath = path.Replace("\\", "/"); // mac finder doesn't like backward slashes
      if (Directory.Exists(macPath)) // if path requested is a folder, automatically open insides of that folder
         openInsidesOfFolder = true;
      //Debug.Log("macPath: " + macPath);
      //Debug.Log("openInsidesOfFolder: " + openInsidesOfFolder);
      if (!macPath.StartsWith("\""))
         macPath = "\"" + macPath;
      if (!macPath.EndsWith("\""))
         macPath = macPath + "\"";
      string arguments = (openInsidesOfFolder ? "" : "-R ") + macPath;
      //Debug.Log("arguments: " + arguments);
         System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("open", arguments);
      catch(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
         // tried to open mac finder in windows
         // just silently skip error
         // we currently have no platform define for the current OS we are in, so we resort to this
         e.HelpLink = ""; // do anything with this variable to silence warning about not using it
   public static void OpenInWin(string path)
      bool openInsidesOfFolder = false;
      // try windows
      string winPath = path.Replace("/", "\\"); // windows explorer doesn't like forward slashes
      if (Directory.Exists(winPath)) // if path requested is a folder, automatically open insides of that folder
         openInsidesOfFolder = true;
         System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", (openInsidesOfFolder ? "/root," : "/select,") + winPath);
      catch(System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e)
         // tried to open win explorer in mac
         // just silently skip error
         // we currently have no platform define for the current OS we are in, so we resort to this
         e.HelpLink = ""; // do anything with this variable to silence warning about not using it
   public static void Open(string path)
      if (IsInWinOS)
      else if (IsInMacOS)
      else // couldn't determine OS

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ferdinand!

    Sorry to post here, could not find your e-mail. It is that your Silhouette shader in Unity is having some problems with PSD textures, spreading outlines all over it. When I save the same texture under PNG, everything is great. This does not happen with every PSD, since when I used a very simple all-white PSD, it worked. Only on more complex PSDs. If you want the files to see for yourself, please write to me at

    Thanks for the shader!


Made me post. 0/10.